We ask you to phone the school before 9.00am if your child is going to be absent for that day (or a number of days). Contact the office on (06) 752 3857 or alternatively Skool Loop (App)


The school is supervised from 8am (when the first bus arrives) until 3.20pm daily.. There is no guaranteed supervision for the children out of these hours, as teachers are using the time for classroom preparation purposes.  

Classes commence 9.00 am

Morning break 11.00 – 11.20 am

Lunch               1 – 1.40 pm

School finishes               3.00 pm


Approximate departure time from school:  

3 pm.  


The School Board members are responsible for the administration of the school.  The Board is made up of four elected members and the Principal. The Board meets monthly at school.

Meetings are usually held on the Monday closest to the 20th of each month except the month that school holidays fall. If there is any change parents/caregivers will be notified through the regular school newsletter. Parents are welcome to attend any meetings.

Our Board of Trustee members are:

Presiding Member: Stacey MacDonald

Principal: Sue Harrison

Rowan Cambie

Thom Adams

Amanda Roche


To ensure our children are working at their optimum potential, we offer time for all children to have “Brain Food”,/ "Munch Crunch" so supporting them to keep their concentration/energy levels high.  Examples of good brain food are: plain popcorn, cheese, raisins, dried fruit, grapes, peanuts, chopped fruit and quarter sandwiches. The time for brain food is around 10am. 


The present school transport policy of the Ministry of Education provides assistance for pupils under 10 years of age who live more than 3.2km from the nearest state school, or for pupils ten years and over who live more than 4.8km from the nearest school.

The school bus is operated through Tranzit Coachlines NZ.

The staff member with responsibility for the buses is the Principal.

All children on the bus must have a high visibility vest.  


The Strategic Plan is a legal agreement between our School Board and the Ministry of Education.  Many parts of the Strategic Plan are compulsory inclusions, and legally binds all schools to meet mandates and legislation. It is from this Strategic Plan that all school policies are made, eg. Financial, staffing, and maintenance etc.  These drive the administration, functioning and management of this school. A copy of the current Urenui School Strategic Plan is held at the office and is always available for reading.  It is also linked in the Urenui School Docs


We have school polos available at the school office. At the minimum, we recommend purchasing a Urenui School shirt as these are expected to be worn at interschool and cluster events your child may attend throughout the year.  A school sunhat must be purchased as part of enrolment at Urenui School.


Urenui School is a ‘Roadsense’ School.  Consider ALL children, not just your own, when driving a vehicle near a school especially before school and at home time.  When dropping off or collecting children from the school PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE BUS STOP. We ask that you exercise care and patience, observe normal courteous road behaviour and park sensibly and safely.  PLEASE BE CAREFUL.


The School's Board has  very strict policy and procedural steps to follow if a  a complaint about the school, one of its staff or a fellow parent/caregiver is received. Concerns must be made to the person involved as first port of call.  Following this, if unresolved, complaints must be directed to the Principal.  All complaints are treated confidentially and very seriously so need to be well considered before being made.  Complaints involving the Principal are to be directed to the Presiding Member of the Board.


Our local dental clinic is located at the Manukorihi Dental Clinic.  

Their contact phone number is 06 754 8077.


Books coming home in the first year or two fall into two categories 

Urenui School requires students to have a book bag to protect these books from food, wet togs, drink spills. These bags are available for purchase from the school office. When school readers are sent home would you please see that they are returned the following day.  Most of these books have been brought with your money, so please help us to keep them clean and in good order.


During the school year your child will participate from time to time in a variety of different events, Epro 8, swimming, triathlon, cross country running, athletics, netball, rugby and soccer, quiz evenings, and kapa haka  to name a few. You will be informed by newsletter when these events are to be held.  As a school we welcome all parents, grandparents and friends of the school to come along and join us on these occasions. 


Fundraising activities are generally organised by the Home and School committee. They do not always involve the spending of money but do require an outlay of time and/or energy.  We ask you to support these ventures.  The money raised goes into the education of all the students to support their learning and other experiences at our school.


We do not have set homework hours but encourage the revision or learning of basic facts and spelling lists.  We also like to see regular time being set aside for reading.  On occasions work is sent home for completion which has arisen from the classroom programme.  This could be in the form of research, editing draft work, and/or presenting published copies. If you have any queries about homework please do not have any hesitation in contacting the teacher concerned for clarification.


If you have any questions, inquiries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school.  Concerns directly relating to students progress, should be discussed with the teacher.  Following this, or for any other reason, please arrange an appointment to see the Principal.  Our aim is to assist where and when possible.  

Please remember that the ‘best’ learning takes place when there is positive input from three areas:

We all have to be accountable and responsible for the learning that takes place.  If we all work together, cooperatively and responsibly, the learning outcomes are going to be more positive, successful and consistent for your child.


Bought lunches are available on Fridays through the school and bought from the village shops. Price lists are handed out at the beginning of each year or when prices change. They are also available from the office.  


These come out every week.  Newsletters are sent home with the eldest child in the family. The newsletter is also available on our web site (, on Facebook (Urenui School), School App (Skool Loop) and is also available via email.  If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please leave your details with the school office.  We see this newsletter as a vital link between school and home and therefore do our best to make this informative and worthwhile reading. This includes upcoming events, sport results etc.


This is a christian values education programme of no particular denomination.  It is available at this school on  Wednesday mornings for half an hour during the last 5 weeks of the term. People in the local community run this programme and supply the tutors.  A permission slip is sent home at the  beginning of each year to permit your child to be part of this values programme.  There is no pressure for your child to be part of this and alternative learning is organised for those who do not attend.


Parent interviews are held twice a year with a written report at the beginning of Term 2 and 4. This school operates an open door policy in which parents are encouraged to drop in and discuss their child at any time.  If possible letting the teacher know a time in advance would be appreciated.

Please never let little problems build up to more serious ones. If a child seems troubled, upset or appears to have difficulty with work please come and discuss these issues with the staff.


As part of the schools physical education programme, children are taught water safety skills.  All staff complete Swim Safe New Zealand programmes in order to ensure students become confident and competent in the water. We would like to see the children bring their togs daily during our swimming season.  Having all clothing named is essential when children are swimming.


From time to time children need to be transported to school trips.  If there are a large number of children we may use the school bus. However, there are times when parents are asked to provide cars. We realise this is a big responsibility and, in supporting parents, we ask that ALL children adhere to driver’s instructions. Parents are in charge of their groups crossing streets etc until they are united with their teacher again.

All children are returned to school, unless the school has been informed of alternative arrangements (e.g. to be taken home by a neighbour, etc.)

The school policy on parents providing courtesy transport is – the vehicle must be registered, have a current Warrant of Fitness, be insured, the driver must hold a current, full drivers licence and seat belts must be worn.  Prior to any school EOTC there are Risk Assessment/Management processes to follow for our staff.  These are quite comprehensive as we take the safety of your child/ren very seriously. 


Children who become ill during school time wait in the office until parents can pick them up.  Parents are advised by telephone and may collect their child from the office as soon as possible.  All staff are able to administer simple first aid and attend to minor injuries.  In case of a major accident, parents are informed and the child is either taken to a local doctor or in an emergency the ambulance service is phoned.  As such, it is important that your contact details are up to date.  



These are done twice a year at the school.  Students who are tested are: new entrants not already tested, students who require follow-up testing, students new to a New Zealand school.  

For students not in the above categories their parents/caregivers may telephone for a FREE clinic appointment. The nearest clinic is at the Waitara Health Centre phone 754 8119.


The swimming pool is open to the district, after 3.15pm daily, weekends and school holidays .There is an annual cost for the purchase of a key and a partial refund on return of the key unless you would like to leave the refund as a donation to the school. These keys are available through the school office during the season and are to be returned at the end of the season.


Periodically the school requires help for construction, maintenance, collection or repair of various fixtures in and around its buildings and grounds.

Requests for assistance are kept to a minimum so please be prepared if asked.

This positive task in sharing expertise is the main reason the school is as well equipped as it is and has been one of the features of our community.  The money that is saved by using voluntary labour for certain tasks can be redirected into purchase of equipment, teaching aids and resources for the school and we thank you in advance for your support.